Making : A lalylala doll. Again. This time it's Lupo, the sheep and I will trade him for the cutest hat!
Cooking : nothing. The man's at home and he does all the cooking. And he does it sooo well...
Drinking : fresh lemon juice, freshly cut ginger, brewed up with hot water and a dash of honey. It tastes great and it help prevents getting a cold. My immune system is on top right now, my last cold was more than 6 months ago.
Reading: A LOT. I am prepared with 6 new books for my upcoming 2 week christmas holiday.
Wanting: the holidays to come. Two work-free-weeks. I can't wait!
Looking: at interior blogs and IKEA catalogues. I don't want to jinx is, as nothing is signed yet, but it looks like we got ourselve a house!!! It's just getting built and won't be finished until spring 2017 but who cares. A HOUSE!
Deciding: on whether or not we can afford that house. But it looks like we can. Hurray.
Wishing: that everything will go as planned
Enjoying: the harmony at home. My man and I have found a wonderful rhythm. We hardly ever argue!
Waiting: warmer weather. It's not even belo zero here but I still think it's way too cold!
Liking: the fact that it's still 10 days until christmas and I already have ALL gifts.
Wondering: how it will feel to pick out my very own kitchen!
Loving: my friends and family right now.
Buying: I just bought new clothes yesterday. I hardly ever buy new clothes for myself. It felt good.
Watching: nothing. Time for a new series. I finished Gilmore Girls for the 4th or 5th time and it left me sad. Can't wait for that netflix revival! Does anyone know when it will start?
Hoping: that we won't get disappointed!
Cringing: at the sound of my neighbor snoring! Those walls are soooo thin I can hear EVERY move that man makes...
Needing: a hot bath. We don't own a bathtub and it's been too long since I enjoyed a long, hot, bubbly bath...
Smelling: christmas cookies. Bought ones, though. I didn't find time to bake. Shame on me!
Wearing: The new clothes I bought yesterday. I got the most comfortable yet stylish sweater. I love it. I will never take it off!
Following: a new workout routine. I manage to go for a run at least once a week and do some workouts at least two or three times. Feels good!
Noticing: that I'm really growing up. I'm married, we're thinking about moving into a house...and I squeek everytime I see babies...let's see how this will all turn out in the next couple years.
Knowing: that I'm living a very nice and privileged live!
Thinking: about what my man will say when he opens his christmas present.
Admiring: knitters. I really want to learn to knit. My goal for 2016!
Sorting: through our stuff. Well not now, but we will, eventually, when we finally move!
Getting: things to spoil myself with. books, clothes, nail polish. That's my secret addiction...
Bookmarking:crochet patterns. I really want to start selling my stuff 2016.
Disliking: the fact that it's getting dark so early. I miss the daylight
Feeling: motivated to go for a run, later tonight. I know that I'll feel great afterwards!
Snacking: on way too many cookies. Hence the need for a run!
Hearing: Frank Sinatra Christmas songs. Those old school songs are the only christmas music that I endure. I want to scream whenever I hear the opening bells of "Last Christmas". The worst piece of music that ever got produced. And every damn year the radio stations keep torturing us with that horrible, horrible song!