yarny bookworm

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Sonntag, 21. Februar 2016

recharging the batteries

Hey peeps!

I felt very tired and weary last week and so I decided, to spend the weekend to recharge my energy batteries. My husband was away this weekend so I had all the time for myself. And I loved it. I slept in, went for long walks, had dinner (and quite a few drinks) with my friends, did a lot of crochet (there will be some new crochet posts in the next few days), read a lot of pages and did a lot of cooking and eating.
As every sunday I'm participating in the "Seven Things Sunday" at GrinseStern with seven things I cooked and ate these past few days. Enjoy.

avocado bread and coffee

salad with grilled cheese, tomatoes and cucumbers


the most incredible chocolate cake, with liquid filling, sour cherries and an hazelnut icecream. THAT WAS SO YUMMY!

the big stack of pancakes that I made today. I accidentially made nearly the triple amount of what I actually wanted to make. So I guess we'll have pancakes tomorrow for breakfast as well!

leftovers. Mozarella cheese, the salad from yesterday, avocado, tomatoes and cucumbers and a sprinkle of olive oil, herbs and salt.

As you can see I ate really healthy this weekend (apart from the chocolate cake, but I couldn't pass on this one!) and it really feels good. I had no cravings, I didn't feel tired, I was motivated and in a good mood all weekend long. So I'm determined to eat more healthy stuff from now on. 
How was your weekend?

2 Kommentare:

  1. So ein bisschen Verwöhn-Programm und Entspannen braucht man auch einfach mal. Da tut es sogar gut, wenn man die Bude einfach für sich allein hat und machen kann was man will. ;)

    1. Jaa, hat auch richtig gut getan, mal ohne Verpflichtungen einfach so in den Tag hinein zu leben. Sollte man echt öfter machen! :)
