yarny bookworm

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Dienstag, 3. Februar 2015

the year in books - January

A month is over and it's time for the year in books again. As I explained in this post, I'm doing a slight variation of the year in books. Instead of stating at the beginning of the month, which book I'm going to read, I'm writing a little review about the books that I've read the previous month.
So here we go.

In December I knew that I had a rather long train ride ahead of me but I forgot my book. So I went to the book store at the train station and grabbed the first thing that sounded interesting which was
Jo Nesbo - Police

I never read anything of Jo Nesbo before. Part of my job is it to update the weekly bestseller lists and Jo Nesbo was featured in that list for quite some time now. So I thought I'd give it a try. And it proved to be a very good decision! Police is a quite fascinating thriller, dealing with a murderer, who killed police officers who weren't able to solve previous cases. It was thrilling and gruesome, sometimes rather disgusting and shocking, but it was quite a page turner and on the first days of the new year I finished it. The only negative thing I can say about it is that it was the tenth book that had a certain detective as main character and so I didn't understand some things as they happened in previous books and weren't really explained. But that's my own fault for buying the tenth book of a series instead of the first. I didn't realise this until I read about a hundred pages, though. But I'll probably buy the first one. It's a nice train or beach book, simple yet interesting.

Then I started on reading the Harry Potter book series again. As some of you might know, I've been on holiday in London in October. There I saw a beautiful edition of the Harry Potter books. Now I've read all of them several times, but I always borrowed them from my cousin, and never possesed them. As I am a book collector rather than a person who borrows, I was looking for a nice edition for quite some time now. I don't even remember the book shop, I just know that it was a book store located in the Waterloo train station, which was right next to our hotel.
I was looking for a souvenir to take home with me when my man pointed the books out to me! On the last day of our stay I bought them and I'm so happy that I did!
Instead of telling you something about the books (I assume you are all familiar with the Harry Potter story and if you're not - step away from the computer immediately and start reading those books!!!) I'll show you some picture of the books so you can have a look at how beautiful they are. There are so many details in these books, for example, all of the letters appear to be handwritten and each character is given his own handwriting, which make them even more precious to me!

What have you been reading this month?

11 Kommentare:

  1. Those Harry Potter books look beautiful, I have to say I have never been tempted to read them tho'!

    1. Oh yes, they are, I could have added hundreds of pictures! You really should try them! The first ones are really childrens books, but it get's more interesting and darker and dangerous as the series goes on!

    2. I totally agree - the books are getting better with each novel (even though I think no3 might be my favorite)! Very addicting... :P

  2. This is a really lovely collection. I bought each book as it was published when my daughter was growing up. She has read some but not all. They will be tucked away in a box somewhere now as she is at Uni. Might just have to see if I can unearth them and give them ago myself.

    1. thank you, I was really glad that my man found it for me, the books are just so pretty! Give them a go, you won't regret it!

  3. I have read all 10 of the Harry Hole series even though I found the detective unbearable. Somehow I always went back for more! I have been hoping that Harry Hole would decide to retire to somewhere warm and stop being annoying but alas, he isn't and I have to continue reading the series.

    1. I'm planning on starting to read the series from the first book on. I really liked that Harry Hole was so anti-hero. Not likeable, annoying, a really nasty person. I love characters like him! :)

  4. I have only read the first three Harry Potter books, years ago, and you've reminded me that I really must read them all before my kids do! I don't know why I haven't read any Jo Nesbo as it looks like just my sort of book. x

    1. Oh I can't wait for my oldest nephew to turn eleven (he will be 8 in April) to start giving him the Harry Potter series. How cool must it be to be able to share your beloved books with your kids! :)

  5. I think I'll try the Jo Nesbo books, they look like a great read! I'm still insanely jealous of those Harry Potter books!!

    1. It's a Bloomsbury edition by the way and as I bought it in a british bookshop I'm pretty sure, that you're easily able to get them yourself! They weren't that expensive either, for all seven books I paid about 120 pounds. That's a really good price in my opinion!
