yarny bookworm

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Samstag, 11. Oktober 2014

getting ready for Christmas

Wow. It's October, the weather is finally getting a little nicer and warmer again (we had 25 degrees yesterday. twenty-five!) and what did I do in this fine weather? Right, I came home from work, turned my laptop on and started to browse for patterns for crocheted snowflakes. Of course.

See, I will have the opportunity to sell some of my stuff at a christmas stall - without having to stand there everyday! I just have to make it and another person will sell it for my. Quite nice, isn't it? But the stall will open up in December and I just heard about it yesterday. So I racked my brain and hundreds of blogs for ideas and started to try out some stuff.

The crocheted owl keyring is my favorite, unfortunately it takes ages to make. The pattern isn't as easy as it looks. And I suck at sewing on the eyes. So I glued them. Pretty sad, actually. But no one will know. Hopefully.

The second is my first crocheted snowflake and I LOVE IT! It will look great hanging from the branch of a christmas tree and I bought tons of glitter (yay, glitter, one of the things that I love most about christmas time - that there is so much glitter!!) to sprinkle over them. AND they're pretty quick and easy to make. It took me about 15 minutes and I will get faster once I've memorised the pattern, which shouldn't take long as it's not that complicated.

And the last one should be a bauble. It turned out a little small and not as round as I had expected it but I will probably make more of them as they're also quick and easy and I think that they look very nice. And there are tons of possibilities with colors and different yarns.

BUT for now I stop making those christmas things. I bought a pattern. The very first pattern that I bought but I've been toying around with the idea of buying it for a while now! For some time I drool over the images of lalylala and the gorgeous amigurumi figures she makes. So when there was a sale at dawanda (which is something like the german etsy) I decided to buy three of her patterns. I chose Paul the toadstool, Lupo the lamb and Dirk the dragon. I will start with Paul.

And so I'm off to my local yarn store to buy all the supplies that I need for Paul. I probably won't sell him because I find him so cute that I will keep him. Or rather give it to my man as he demanded that he wants to have that lovely little mushroom. Do you understand now why I marry this guy? 

P.S.: The owl design is from here, the snowflake is from here and the bauble I found here.

8 Kommentare:

  1. I hope that the stall goes really well for you and that you enjoy making the things to sell. xx

    1. thanks, I hope it goes well too.I really enjoy trying out all those new designs and shapes and colors. It's so much fun! :)

  2. I love Paul's toadstool hat! Also the snowflake, I think I might try to make a garland. If I start now, it may be finished in time for Christmas! Good luck with selling your makes x

    1. Do try the garland. The snowflake is so quick and easy to make that it won't take long to finish it. It takes me about 15 minutes to make one. Easy-cheesy!

  3. Oooh how exciting! (I love xmas) good luck with the stall :) I thought about making coffee cosies for takeaway coffee, they hardly take any time and I thought they might be quite popular :) Love the patterns you've bought!

    1. The patterns are so great! And they're so easy to follow! Paul is my first amigurumi and I was nervous that I might not be able to understand the instructions but it's no problem at all. I've nearly finished the body and he's so cute with his big belly...I am in love! ;-)

  4. I love this time of year! I'm already thinking about gifts and decorations I can make. Your snowflake is so pretty. x

    1. Go and give the snowflake a try! The instruction is in German but there is a diagram at the end of the page and if you want I can translate the instructions for you as I am able to read english instructions as well! :-)
