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Montag, 23. Juni 2014

blog hop - the question

Hello, you lovely people out there!

How was your weekend? I hope it was at least as good as mine. Believe it or not - I managed to tackle two points on my to-do-list already. Seems that putting these things up on the internet, for (theoretically) everyone to see, made a positive contribution to my motivation! I went running. Twice. I went for a bike ride. Also twice. One time with my man and the second time alone as I am cycling a little (read that - a lot) faster than he does and it drove me a little insane that I always had to wait for him. The second bike ride brought me - again - to the lake. I live in the vicinity of the lake (lake Neusiedl, by the way! You can read more about it here) for more than one year now, yet somehow I just now realized how beautiful and convenient it is, to have it around. To be honest - it's not the most beautiful lake in the world. It has no crystal clear water. 

As you can see  the water is a greyish-green color. That's because the ground is muddy. And when I say muddy, I mean it. The lake's not deeper than two meters. But if you dare and stop swimming to stand in this yucky, muddy ground, you will sink into this soft and slimy texture almost up to your knees. It takes some training to get used to his. But I always dreamed about living by some sort of water. And until I win the lottery to buy myself a house on the beach -  the lake is the perfect option! 

And the area surrounding it is flat as a pancake and provides the perfect conditions for bike rides.

 I only managed to take one panorama picture of the cycle path as we only made one stop and I didn't dare to take a photo while I was still on my bike. But you can imagine, how beautiful it is to ride in between the lake, wineyards and fields. I can't get enough of it. It's one of the reasons why I can't live in the city anymore. There is no good view.

I also managed to finish the front of my pillowcase/cushion cover. I got the yarn on friday and started to work on it the next day. 

In just one morning I crocheted 9 granny squares, joined them and made a border (with buttonholes, might I add. Something I've done just once before and now I realised - I did it wrong. Should be okay now. I hope). 

I really like the look of it. But I really overestimated my yarn usage. I have enough yarn to make a second pillowcase. Anyone interested? I would make one to custom wishes and sell it. Just contact me, I'd be happy to give it a nice, lovely home! 

Anyway, as the title of my post says, I actually didn't want to write about the lake and my bike. I agreed to take part in a blog hop. Julie from little woollie was looking for some people to take part and I volunteered as I think it's a beautiful way to reach out into this blogging world. I still feel a bit lost here and thought, this might help.

To take part you have to answer four questions regarding your creativity and your creative work. Not that complicated. My post will be published next week. In order to continue this blog hop and spread it all over the world I need to find three people/blogs that I can link in my post and who will answer the questions and tag another three people. You get the idea.

So here's my QUESTION: who wants to take part in this blog hop? I've you're interested just leave me a comment with your e-mail adress and I will forward you all the information you need. It would be nice to get in contact with some of you that way. 

Sunny greetings from Austria! 

6 Kommentare:

  1. Dear Emm,
    Good morning from sunny Greece! I found your blog because of my endless love for everything handmade, especially when it refers to crochet, knitting, embroidering, quilting and sewing. A few months ago I started a blog too, but I couldn't give it much time since then, although I don't give up.
    So, I know that Austria has beautiful lakes and despite the non-crystal clear waters of yours, it is still lovely living by its sides. And I have to admit that I'm very jealous of the flatness because I live between hills, 10kms from the sea and it is so difficult to use my bike with all that ups and downs. It takes to be trained for the Olympics or to be as young as my children are! I love love granny squares and about your question I think I'd love to answer to the relevant four. Tell me what to do and how. So, see you and have a nice day!

    1. Hey Mary!
      Unfortunately, I can't look at your blog, there seems to be a problem with my internet connection. Nice to hear from you. I've been to Rhodes a few years ago. What a wonderful place, I really want to visit Greece again some day!
      For the blog hop just give me your e-mail adress and I will send you all the information you need. Great, that you will participate in it!

      Emm :)

    2. Emm, my mail is "karmis@windtools.gr." Glad that you've been in Greece and I hope that someday you'll come to visit us again. Unfortunately I 've never been in Austria, only in Germany where my oldest daughter studies. Thank you!

  2. Hi Emm, thought I would just say hi, I'm a new follower :) The pics of the lake are lovely! and I love your cushion cover, I keep meaning to make something very similar. If you're still looking for people to blog hop to I would love to join in :)

    1. Hey Helen, thanks for dropping by. The cushion cover is a perfect project for beginners (in my opinion). If you need any help please let me know! Would you give me your e-mail adress? I will send you all the necessary information for the blog hop! :)

    2. awesome thanks! Will be sure to let you know :) I can be found at: woollybluebells@gmail.com - I'll look forward to hearing from you! :)
