yarny bookworm

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Samstag, 28. Juni 2014


I remember the last sunrise that I've watched. It was in January 2013, I was on the west coast of Australia, travelling from Darwin to Perth in a Campervan (we did that in 4 weeks!), as a part of a four month round-the-world-trip I did with my man and his best friend. (More infos on that trip will follow some other time). I think we made stop in Geraldton. My man and me really wanted to take a surfing lesson. The only instructor we would get hold on was a teacher. It was his first time in the new school year, so we had our lesson at 5:30 in the morning. Which meant we had to get up early and were able to watch our first sunrise in Australia. We watched the sun set every day, but we never managed to watch it rise. I remember that I walked alone to the beach to take it all in. I really concentrated on that moment to be able to remember this sunrise for all my life. And I can. I can smell the sea. I can hear the wind blowing, I can feel the goosebumps the breeze gave me. And I still know how happy and adventurous abd blessed I felt in that moment. 

Right now I'm sitting at the balcony of my parents house, the house where I grew up in. It's in a small village, in the very eastern part of Austria, near the Hungarian border. It's the first day of my holiday. And I just came home. I've been out with my girls. Five women whom I've known since I'm three years old. One of them got baptised on the same day as me. There are baby pictures, showing us together. My best friend is also my cousin.  

Tonight was girls night out. No boyfriends. Just us. It was great! It remindend me of how precious this friendship is, how lucky we are. We have been friends all of our lives. We started kindergarten together. We started school. We helped each other through deaths of siblings, through first loves, breakups, we had most of our "first time" experiences together. And tonight, we partied. Just us five. 

And as I went home, I heard the birds slowely waking up. They're chirping. The sun is rising. I can't remember, when I consciously watched a sunrise in my little village. There are bats flying everywhere. The sky is slowly turning pink. It's really late. Or really early. I'm really tired. But I didn't walk straight home into my bed. I'm sitting here, watching the sunrise. Just because. 

P.S.: no pictures here as the few that I took on my phone before my phone died are of really crappy quality. But I'm sure you've seen the sun rise before. Just insert imaginaty pictures. 

6 Kommentare:

  1. Nights out with girlfriends are the best kind, and I remember how, as a student, I used to get such a thrill when I came home as the sun rose in the middle of summer. That doesn't happen any more! But I do still love to see the sunrise, whatever the time of year. x

    1. They really are! We are 26, none if us is married or has kids but it's still hard to find a night where everyone can come. Not used to having hangovers, though. ;-)

  2. Time with the girls is so special, I wish I lived closer to my girls I really do - we're all spread out across the country now! Your Australian sunrise sounds spectacular. We went out last December but didn't manage to catch the sun coming up, we certainly had some beautiful sunsets though :)

    1. We live really close together and still never seem to find time to see each other. It's really sad how life can sometimes get in the way...

  3. Hello Emma! Thank you for coming over to my blog - not least because it helped me find yours! Sorry for the long delay in replying, but I have a baby that only wants to sleep on me :-( IN answer to your question, the Réalta is only available in English, I have never managed to pick up the knack of reaing German knitting or crochet instructions (obwohl ich eigentlich fließend Deutsch spreche - seltsam, oder?) but there are LOTS of pictures, practically one for every step, which should make it easy to follow!
    Viele Grüße, die Lebkuchenfrau :-)

    1. Thanks for replying! I'm no mother but an aunt and so I can imagine that life with two kiddies (especially if one of them is still a tiny baby) doesn't give you much time to sit in front of your computer. But thanks for the info. I think I can handle the english instructions as well. Just have to finish my current blanket as my man comains about all the yarn lying around in our appartment. Unlike your huband he hasn't made his peace with an addict. But we're working on it! ;)
